Book Review: What it Means to be a Woman, and yes Women do Poop!
Overall, this book has a gentle and pushy side all at once. Asking you to embrace yourself as a woman. She even addresses women who decide for themselves to be women and weren’t born in this gender. It offers simple, direct advice on how to shift your perspective and own your energy and power.
Good Energetic Hygiene - How to clean your own aura
Good energy hygiene is key to protecting yourself from negative, harmful energies of the world. Working with your subtle energy fields every day can boost your immune system, strengthen your relationships and enhance your daily life. Here are a couple of tips on clearing out your energy, that you can do all on your own, in a matter of minutes.
The Sacral Chakra
When the sacral chakra is blocked, people lose their ability to see things in a variety of ways. They are blocked to different ideas about what is going on for them and have a very rigid approach to things. Here are some areas that are influenced by the sacral chakra.