Insightful Inspirations

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Goals, Dreams and Wishes

The energy we use to manifest our life is one of our most powerful tools. As we grow in our understanding of how we use thoughts to create things, the awareness of what we are creating and what we are responsible for can sometimes overwhelm us. When we feel overwhelmed we can choose to go inside and find the root of who we are and why we are creating what we are creating before moving forward.

Kids already know how to use this energy. They use it all the time. But the power of manifestation for children is limited by the beliefs of others, peer pressure, and the desire to do it “right.”

This month we are going to learn the word "manifesting" and work with the idea of goals, dreams and wishes. Then we will work on identifying things that are in children's space about manifesting what they desire and how to be mindful in their creations.

At home, you can work with your children to have them set their own goals and tell you their dreams. Sometimes as parents we want to control the outcome because we feel responsible for our children’s happiness. Sometimes we tell them not to wish for their dreams to come true and try to manage their expectations. Check where you might be going into overboard with these things. It's okay to dream and it's okay to be disappointed when our dreams don’t work out. Don’t be afraid to let them play with these concepts

Another thing to keep in mind is that everything we have in physical form started as an idea. It started in the non-physical realm. So have your children start putting form to their thoughts by drawing pictures, or writing in a journal or even making up a story about their dreams. Ask them to tell you where they will be the famous athletes or how they are going to feel on stage playing their favorite instrument.  We are expecting them to be those things, but we are teaching them to dream and explore themselves and find out what they really want by those desires.

Finally, be a good role model of expansive thinking. Limited thinking is a huge habit. We are working on realizing that limiting thoughts aren’t saving us from failure or disappointment; they are just holding us back from our dreams. Be willing to face your own limitations and let your kids lead you a bit. They haven’t lived a lifetime of success and failure yet so know they don’t know. Your wisdom isn’t always relevant to where their lives are now to where yours was when you were their age.

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